Monday, April 25, 2011

A joyful May

May Day is coming soon.  I have fond childhood memories of leaving baskets of flowers on doorsteps and dancing around the maypole with my pretty ribbon.   I still love May Day.  Spring following winter is a wonderful and joyous thing.

I found this lovely little illustration from a 1911 children's book entitled Fun and Thought for Little Folk.  It reminded me of my childhood observance of May Day.  While there are many wonderful traditions surrounding May Day involving flowers, song and dance, it does not seem to commonly be observed anymore.  I think our modern May Days ought to involve a few more flowers and ribbons, at the very least.

May Song
(It is traditional, and comes in many versions, but this is how I sing it.)

We have been rambling all of the night
And the best part of this day,
And we are returning here back again,
And we've brought you a garland gay.

A bunch of May we bear about
And here at the door it stands.
It is nothing but a sprout, but it's well budded out.
It's the work of God's own hand.

For the life of a man is but a span
He's cut down like the grass
For he's like unto the green leaf of a tree
For as long as life shall last.

And now our song is almost done
We can no longer stay.
God bless us all, both great and small
And we wish you a joyful May.